Do you have a Deputy!Derek sterek tag??



We don’t have a Sterek Deputy!Derek tag. Just a plain old Deputy!Derek tag. But it’s been a while since we updated it. So here’s a list! – Anastasia

Baby You’re Beautiful by supernaynay

(1/1 I 1,089 I General I Sterek)

“God you’re beautiful.”

Derek hadn’t even realized that the words had left his mouth until the whole room went silent, including Stiles, who until about five seconds earlier was busy yelling at him for putting himself in danger yet again.

Lock Me Up by FairydustOnRoses

(1/1 I 3,410 I Explicit I Sterek)

Stiles is home for Thanksgiving break. He traveled across the country from Columbia University and is looking forward to spending time with Scott and his dad and stuffing his face on Thursday. He is not looking forward to running into a certain broody werewolf that he may or may not have left in bed after a hookup only hours before he got on the plane to New York back in August.

the wilderness gave it to me by ceserabeau

(1/1 I 6,940 I Mature I Sterek)

When Stiles pictured Derek’s return to Beacon Hills, he never imagined this: late night in the cereal aisle at the grocery store, Stiles in sweatpants and a shirt long overdue a wash, glancing left from the Captain Crunch and Lucky Charms to find Derek Hale, four feet away, pulling a box of muesli off the shelf.

My Life is not a Horror Movie, Derek by DiscontentedWinter

(12/12 I 38,993 I Explicit I Sterek)

Stiles keeps dreaming of people in robes with knives.
With chanting. In Latin.
And he mentioned the knives, right?
That can’t be good.

Gravidity by readridinghood

(8/8 I 47,309 I Explicit I Sterek)

Before Stiles can get settled back in Beacon Hills, and in the new business he’s invested in, and before Derek allows his decade-long on and off again girlfriend back into his life, barring she agree to some specific ultimatums, Stiles and Derek meet at Cora’s wedding and decide to have a one-night fling. Their lives get a lot more complicated than either of them imagined because of the night they spent together and neither of them is ready for the journey, but they’ll learn that it’s important they make it together and by doing so Stiles may find the muse he’s been missing, and Derek will have a chance to build what he’s longed to have in his life.

Ain’t Nothing so Good as the Cake and Eating it by sofonisba_found

(15/15 I 51,001 I Mature I Sterek)

Derek thinks he’s doing alright in life, with his family at his side and a job he loves. Despite his family’s concerns he remains adamant that he doesn’t need a mate, afraid to take the risk of letting anyone close enough to try to hurt his family again. That is until he realizes that his true mate has been right under his nose for years, and that now through his inaction he may lose him

When you Trust but Verify by hellbells

(26/26 I 54,175 I Explicit I Sterek)

Plans are afoot to wipe out the Hale Pack.
Can the Hales’ deal with outside packs, the Hunter’s Council and Deadpool lists all at the same time?

You’ve Got Mail by Shinhia

(18/18 I 56,532 I Mature I Sterek)

Stiles Stilinski is one of the few people left who still likes to write letters, no matter what advanced technology has given us in 2014.

For Stiles, there’s nothing like receiving a letter or writing one. Feeling the paper under your hand, letting the ball of your pen glide along the surface, the sound of them both when they make contact with each other. There’s a romanticism, a beauty in it that texting or emailing won’t ever be able to recreate.

It’s with these thoughts in mind, after another very bad and hurtful break-up, and another restless night, that Stiles decides to pick a random place on the map of the United States, and find someone to write to. That’s how he ends up finding Derek Hale.


The story where Stiles and Derek are strangers who exchanging letters, fall in love, and wonder if they’ll ever meet in real life.

Seeing Wolves (Where There Are No Wolves) by MellytheHun

(16/16 I 67,901 I Explicit I Sterek)

Or otherwise known as “Derek Goes to the Doctor,” wherein Derek gets the therapy he so desperately needs and gets healthy. The clearer his head gets, the more room it seems to have for Stiles.

Just Act Normal by zosofi

(10/10 I 78,677 I Explicit I Sterek)

If someone had told Stiles back in high school that he would be an Oscar winning actor by the time he turned 25, he would’ve probably told Scott to punch them. The thing is, though…they would’ve been right.

Which makes returning to Beacon Hills, center of all that is supernatural and better left avoided, all the more awkward.

Past, Present, and Future by Code_Zackary

(24/60 I 182,513 I Mature I Sterek)

Deputy Derek Hale has just become a single parent, after adopting abandoned five-year-old Isaac Lahey, and drowning in his new responsibilities as a father, and Alpha. Add the babysitting of his new rookie partner, Jackson Whittemore, and the weight of his past bubbling to the surface, Derek isn’t sure how he’s going to keep his head straight.

Meanwhile, Stiles Stilinksi returns home to Beacon Hills to give his son, Scott Stilinksi, a better quality of life. However, raising a werewolf pup, as a human, is something he struggles handling on a daily basis. Stiles wishes nothing more than to find a werewolf willing to show his son “the ropes”, so Scott can fit in with all the other pups come the first day of Kindergarten. But where would he ever find a werewolf willing to help a human?

When the two meet, their struggles in life will come to the forefront, as the loners become an invaluable support system for each other, and build a unique Pack all their own.

Thank you for rec’ing me! ; u ;

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